Misheck Munthali, Civitas Malawi (CM) Co-Founder and Country Director, and Dr. J. Fay Kelle from University of Arkansas Clinton School of Public Service, met with Church and Society Director, Moses Mkandawire, of the CCAP (Central Church of Africa) Synod of Livingstonia, on August 2, 2007 in Mzuzu.
Mr. Munthali and Dr. Kelle introduced Mr. Mkandawire to the citizenship education program for secondary schools called Project Citizen Malawi. The topic discussed was: The Values, Goals, Process and Product of Project Citizen, an Extraordinarily Empowering Citizenship Education Curricular Program for Secondary Schools of Malawi.
Project Citizen Malawi is a democratic citizenship secondary curricular program designed by Center for Civic Education, Calabasas, CA and funded by the USA Department of Education and USAID, and coordinated through Civitas Africa and Civitas International.